• How To Resize Thumbnail Images for Review

  • Tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the site.
Tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the site.
 #36  by Putnam
If you are looking to, for example, create a poll or simply submit a thumbnail image for review, then please edit the img tags by adding a t at the end of the opening and closing tag.

So rather than [img]http://url-to-your-image[/img]
it would instead be [imgt]http://url-to-your-image[/imgt]

That will auto resize your thumbnail images to a consistent/appropriate size for people to give input on.
 #38  by Putnam
Also, you can manually indicate the size of your thumbnail by using the [ image =### ] tag where ### would indicate the width of the image. So, for example you could indicate
Code: Select all
And that would auto size your image to 300 pixels wide and adjust the height accordingly as well.

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